Teaching TBTE in Hong Kong

In the first half of 2015, Jenny Cameron (one of the authors) was invited to teach a Special Topic in Urban Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong based on Take Back the Economy. Here you’ll find Jenny’s teaching materials and her reflections on teaching the book to a small group of undergraduate students. A few things to note:

* The course was taught in a 3-hour block (rather than split it into a 2-hour lecture and 1-hour tutorial). This meant there was flexibility for integrating exercises from the book with the delivery of short lectures (and the use of other tools such as YouTube clips, films and readings).

* What’s included in the lectures below are pdfs of the full powerpoints. Jenny does not give these to the students; they get abridged versions with key words omitted (here’s an example).

* You’ll see the lectures get shorter and shorter as Jenny figured out that the exercises took longer than planned, and as the discussions got longer (as the students became more familiar with the concepts and started to make links to earlier parts of the course).

Course Overview (program, assessment, readings)


Lecture 1: Introduction

Lecture 2: Theoretical Approaches

Lectures 3 & 4: Surviving Well

Lectures 5 & 6: Distributing Surplus

Lectures 7 & 8: Encountering Others

Lectures 9 & 10: Commoning

Lectures 11 & 12: Investing in Futures

Lecture 13: Presentation of Case Studies

Lecture 14: Course Review