These two weeks focused on Chapter 5 of TBTE (Take Back the Economy), “Take Back Property: Commoning”. The overall aims were to:
* introduce students to the concept of commons (Lecture 9)
* clarify the distinction between commons and property (Lecture 9)
* further confirm the concept of commons by looking at examples of “uncommoning” (Lecture 10)
* identify the ways that people are taking back property by communing (Lecture 10).
(Note that the week numbers identified in the powerpoint slides are different to the lecture numbers used here, because of public holidays).
Lecture 9
Lecture 9, Powerpoint
Lecture 9, Zanjera Commons
Lecture 9, Taking Back Property, Workshop Activity
Lecture 10
Lecture 10, Powerpoint
Professor Nicholas Blomley from Simon Fraser University has adapted the Chapter 5 Tool (on commoning) so students can produce their own time-property geographies.